

Smooth on-site badge printing
Print badges on-site, allow your vendors to capture leads effortlessly,
and unlock the full potential of your event with Badgy
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How it works
Print Station
Set up print station
All you need is a supported printer and computer
Print Station
Scan tickets
Simply scan the attendee's ticket QR code to view their details
Print Station
Print Label
Tap print label and apply it to your event badge
On demand
No need to pre-print badges for no-shows or late registrations, print badges on demand, saving you time and money.
Badgy grows to meet your needs. You can share a single print station across multiple check-in devices with real-time sync.
Automatically load tickets and attendees from your favourite platform. Sync check-in and registration information seemlessly.


Any device which can run a modern browser can be used as a check-in device for Badgy, this includes virutally all phones and tablets. Badgy is run via a web app so it requires no app install to get up and running, simply open your Badgy URL.

Devices with a camera also have scanning support. Simply scan the attendees ticket QR code to view their details.

Lead Capture

Badgy's lead capture feature is equally user-friendly and flexible. Attendees and vendors can effortlessly create a list of contacts by scanning other attendees' badges, which can then be shared among a group.

After the event, a CSV file with the contact list is sent to the list owner, and all data is removed from Badgy. Badgy's Zapier support also enables contacts to be uploaded to the organizer's CRM of choice.

Printer Support

Any printer which supports the ZPL language should be compatable with Badgy, however we can recommended Zebra label printers. For example the Zebra ZD220 is cost effective, reliable and fast.

Print Station

To print badges on-site, you will need at least one print station, which comprises of a computer and a printer.

Badgy's expandable system allows you to connect multiple check-in devices to a single print station. With real-time sync all devices are kept up to date.
Tito is our recommended ticketing provider.
Badgy and Tito work together seemlessly.
Our free plan allows you to quickly get started, providing access to all our check-in features.
To access premium features such as badge printing and lead capture, you can upgrade your event by adding credits.
IncludedAll your events
IncludedUnlimited check-in devices
IncludedRealtime sync
IncludedOffline support
IncludedBadge Printing
IncludedMultiple print stations
IncludedOne off badges
IncludedVendor lead capture
IncludedAttendee self check-in
IncludedVIP notifications
IncludedWallet passes
IncludedWelcome emails
prices do not include taxes where applicable
Non-profit organization? Contact us for available discounts
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You can find more FAQ's and information in our docs
What printers are supported?
Badgy supports industry-standard Zebra label printers, with the Zebra ZD220 recommended for label printing. Organisers who need to rent printers for their events can contact us for pricing.
Do you rent printers?
Printer rental is available if required. Labels can also be provided if required. Please contact us for more details on printer rental.
What size labels are supported?
Multiple label sizes are available to meet specific needs, and Badgy is always available to support organizers' requests for new sizes. Contact us if you would like to learn more.
Will Badgy integrate with more platforms?
We have no immeditate plans for more integrations, if however you have a particular integration in mind that would facilitate your event please get in touch with us.
What is a 'Print Station'?
Print stations comprise of a computer and a printer. The only requirements for the computer is that it has Google Chrome installed and can connect to the Zebra printer via a USB connection. An event can use more than a single print station at a time. When printing via a check-in device you can choose a print station to print from.
What is a Check-In Device?
Any device which can run a modern browser can be used as a check-in device for Badgy, this includes virutally all phones and tablets. Badgy is run via a web app so it requires no mobile app install to get up and running, simply open your Badgy URL on the device. Devices which have a camera will also have scanning support to check-in/print a badge for an attendee via their event registration.
Does Badgy have offline support?
Once Badgy has been opened on your device and your event has synced the information will continue to be available if your device goes offline. Printing will still be available via Badgy running on your base station in this scenario. Once a device comes back online all pending check-ins will be synced to the Tito platform.
Who are the team behind Badgy?
Badgy is built by the team at 8bytes. We are a consultant developer based in Ireland who have been providing class leading, apps, websites and mobile apps for over 10 years for clients in Ireland and abroad. Badgy has been built with help from the team at Tito whom we have worked with for a number of years in creating their Tito mobile check-in apps.
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